in preparation

Pasqualini I
fluctuating material/unstable truth, in: Your Own Spaces – Multiperspectivity and Spatial Practices in Audio/Visual Forms of Knowledge Production (forthcoming)

Jürgen Buchinger, Kathi Käppel, Isabella Pasqualini, Fred Truninger, Tamara Zumbühl (editors), Your Own Spaces – Multiperspectivity and Spatial Practices in Audio/Visual Forms of Knowledge Production (forthcoming)


Essays, Sci-Fi, Interviews  

m0re out in French!  
Pasqualini I, m0re, in: CH2291, Bern: Weber, 2020

Pasqualini I
Performing urban space, Electra, N°6, edp Foundation, Lisbon, 2019

TRANSIT Swiss Federation for Adult Learning
“It is all real to our brain”
Interview Irena Sgier, Isabella Pasqualini

Pasqualini I, m0re, in: CH2291, Bern: Weber, 2018

out now…

Pasqualini I
Everyday space(s); anytime, everywhere.

Pasqualini I
Wenn Räume berühren, Education Permanente, Schweizerischer Verband für Erwachsenenbildung, Zürich: Schweizerischer Verlag für Erwachsenenbildung, 2020

Pasqualini I
La conscience de soi en architecture, quatorze, Quatorzième annuel étudiant, Versailles: Ensa-V et archibooké, 2019

!!! English edition !!!
Pasqualini I
The Architectonic Avatar–Multisensory Aspects in Architecture, in: Proportion and Cognition in Architecture and Urban Design. Berlin: Reimer, 2019

Pasqualini I, Blefari ML, Tadi T, Serino A and Blanke O, The architectonic experience of body and space in augmented interiors, Front Psychol, 2018, 10 April

Pasqualini I, Serino A, and Blanke O, Embodied space and bodily self-consciousness in art and architecture, E-book, Frontiers in Psychology, Special topic in Cognitive Science, 2018

Pasqualini I, Augmented horizons for a sustainable future, E-article, Medium

Pasqualini I, Der architektonische Avatar–multisensorische Aspekte in der Architektur, in: Proportion und Wahrnehmung in Architektur und Städtebau. Berlin: Reimer, 2017, 2019 (second edition)

Pasqualini I, Space with a self–building as “applied psychology”edA Esempi d’architettura. Roma: Aracne, 2017, Vol 4/2

Pasqualini I and Blanke O, The self-conscious observer – embodiment and bodily feelings in architecture, in: Körperbilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Würzburg: Verlag Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2014

Pasqualini I, Llobera J, and Blanke O, “Seeing” and “feeling” architecture: how bodily self-consciousness alters architectonic experience and affects the perception of interiors, Front Psychol, 2013, 4, 354

Pasqualini I, Embodiment in architecture, cognitive neuroscience and virtual reality, EPFL 2012, Thesis Nr. 5555

Blanke O and Pasqualini I, The riddle of style changes in the visual arts after interference with the right brain, Front Hum Neurosci 2011;5:154